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- Tropical value chains
- Coconut

Books and documents
- Huiles végétales : enjeux, marchés et controverses, Alain Rival (coord.), in : Le Déméter 2018, 2017, p. 9-182
- Sustainable development and tropical agri-chains, Estelle Biénabe, Alain Rival, Denis Loeillet (ed.), Springer, 2017
- Economics and ecology of diversification: The case of tropical tree crops, François Ruf, Götz Schroth (ed.), Springer, 2015
- Une histoire des plantes coloniales, du cacao à la vanille, Serge Volper, Quæ, 2011
- Association du cacaoyer avec le palmier ou le cocotier, Raymond Bourgoing, Hervé Todem, CIRAD-IRAD, 2011
OCL, Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids
Bimonthly scientific journal on oil and fat production and use. Published by Terres Inovia, CIRAD, French Federation of Oils and Fats, ITERG, Terres Univia and SFEL.
Useful links
- COGENT (International Coconut Genetic Resources Network), hosted by Bioversity International
- APCC (Asian Pacific Coconut Community)
- CNRA (Centre national de recherche agronomique, Ivory Coast)
- EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Brazil), currently collaborating with CIRAD
- CRI-CATAS (Coconut Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, China)