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Legal details
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
Head Office
42 rue Scheffer
75116 Paris
RCS Paris 331 596 270
Tél. : +33 1 53 70 20 00
- Director of publication : Élisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin, Chief Executive Officer.
- Hosting : OVH, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
- Management and Coordination : CIRAD, Communication Service, Montpellier, France
- Graphic charter : Kaliop, Montpellier, France
- Development and CMS : Kaliop, Montpellier, France and CIRAD, Information Systems Service, Montpellier, France. Website powered by eZPublish, CMS published by Ibexa
Terms of Use
The following Terms of Use apply to the terms and conditions in which the CIRAD makes the Website and its services available to Users, and to Visitors access to the website and use of its services.
Any visit of the Website is subject to the present Terms of Use.
Therefore, by using this Website, Users accept all following terms and conditions. Users must refrain from visiting this Website if they do not accept these Terms.
Access to the Website
By using this Website, Users acknowledge having made sure that their device is exempt from any virus and in perfect operating condition.
Users are kindly reminded that the confidentiality of correspondence cannot be guaranteed on the Internet network and that every Internet user is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses that may be circulating on the Internet.
The CIRAD shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages due to access, use or content loading on the Website such as a virus infecting Users’ computer or any other device.
The CIRAD does everything possible to ensure available access to the Website on a 24/7 basis, except from a case of force majeure or an event beyond its control, excluded potential breakdowns or maintenance operations required to secure the well-functioning of the Website and its services.
Therefore, the CIRAD can guarantee neither the availability of the Website and/or services nor transmissions reliability or performance regarding response time or quality. No technical assistance by telephone or electronical means is provided to Users.
The CIRAD shall not be held responsible in case of unavailability of the Website and/or the use of the services.
The CIRAD may also interrupt access to the Website or all or part of the services at any time and without notice, without producing any ground of compensation. Users acknowledge and agree that the CIRAD is not liable for any interruption and its consequences for Users or any third party.
Content of the Website
Information and/or documentation available on the Website and/or accessible via the Website comes from sources deemed reliable.
However, it might contain technical misstatements or typographical mistakes. That being so, the CIRAD may reserve the right to correct them upon discovery.
Users are therefore encouraged to verify that said information and/or documentation is accurate and relevant.
Moreover, the information and/or documentation available on the Website may at any time be subject to modification or update. Notably, it is brought to the Users’ attention that it may have been updated between download and reading time.
The use of information and/or documentation available on the Website is placed under the sole and full responsibility of Users, who accept any consequences of that use and waive any possibility to seek the CIRAD’s responsibility.
The CIRAD shall not in any case be held responsible for any sort of damage due to the use and/or interpretation of the information and/or documentation available on the Website.
Intellectual property
The www.cirad.fr website is the exclusive property of CIRAD.
The general structure of the site and its content are the exclusive property of CIRAD, and are legally protected under intellectual property law (copyright, databases, software, trademarks, etc.).
Any reproduction, representation or adaptation of all or part of the site by any individual or legal entity, by any means whatsoever, without the express permission of CIRAD, is prohibited and constitutes an act of infringement punishable under Articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any total or partial reuse or extraction of the site's databases by a natural or legal person, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited and would constitute an act of infringement punishable under Articles L. 343-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any total or partial reproduction of CIRAD trademarks and logos without its express authorization is prohibited under Articles L. 713-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Photo and illustration credits
CIRAD owns all the photos on the site or has obtained permission from the photographer for their use on the CIRAD website alone. Users should contact the CIRAD photo library to obtain copies: ciradimages@cirad.fr
Illustrations and photographs on the front page:
Ecophysiology greenhouse located on CIRAD's Lavalette campus in Montpellier. C. Dangléant © CIRAD
Baobab tree in Madagascar © C. Cornu, CIRAD
Market illustration. Delphine Guard-Lavastre, CIRAD
Terraced rice field. I.Bandura (Unsplash)
Herd in Sahel © S. Taugourdau, CIRAD
Vegetable farming in Reunion Island © A. Franck, CIRAD
HyperText links
The Website may content hypertext links redirecting to third party websites on the Internet network. Users acknowledge that they are leaving the Website by following such links.
It is possible to create a link redirecting to the frontpage of the Website without the CIRAD’s express authorisation provided that said link opens the Website in a new web page.
However, prior information of the CIRAD is requested. The CIRAD may ask for the withdrawal of the link at any time.
Personal Data Protection
In accordance with French Data Protection legislation (Loi “Informatique et Libertés” of January, 6th 1978 in its reviewed version) and with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) n° 2016/679/UE of April, 27th 2016, the CIRAD ensures privacy for the Users on the Website.
Read more on : >> Personal Data Protection.
Amendment of the Terms of Use
The CIRAD may reserve the right to amend the present Terms of Use at any time and without notice in order to adapt them to the evolvement of the Website, its services, and its operation.
Governing Law and competent courts
These Terms of Use and the content of the Website are regulated by French Law.
The parties agree that any conflict that could not find an amicable settlement will be submitted to competent French courts.