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Banana and plantain
Books and documents
- La transition agro-ecologique des agricultures du Sud, François-Xavier Cote, Emmanuelle Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Perret, Philippe Roudier, Bruno Rapidel, Marie-Cécile Thirion. Editions Quae, 2019
- Le bananier plantain : enjeux socio-économiques et techniques, Moïse Kwa, Ludovic Temple (ed.). Editions Quæ, Agricultures tropicales en poche, 2019
- Living territories to transform the world, Patrick Caron, Elodie Valette, Tom Wassenaar, Geo Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, Vatché Papazian. Editions Quae, 2017
- Développement durable et filières tropicales, Estelle Biénabe, Denis Loeillet, Alain Rival (ed.). Editions Quæ, 2016
- FOCUS Banane : le guide du commerce international de la banane. Fruitrop (ed), 2016
- Le bananier, un siècle d’innovations techniques, André Lassoudière. Editions Quæ, 2012
- Le bananier, un enjeu mondial, André Lassoudière. Pour la Science, no. 400, February 2011
- L’histoire du bananier, André Lassoudière. Editions Quæ, 2010
- Le bananier et sa culture, André Lassoudière. Editions Quæ, 2007
Production guides
- Recueil de fiches techniques sur la qualité de la banane. A set of five guides produced for the Association interprofessionnelle de la Banane (AIB), covering the various links in the banana value chain, from plot to market.
Download on the Fruitrop website - R&D and innovation guide on banana, presenting the main innovations from R&D and good practices in the French West Indies for growing bananas following research carried out by CIRAD and co-constructed with the Tropical Technical Institute (IT2) and Caribbean producer groups.
Download on the Fruitrop website - Plantain cultivation: training sheets, developed by CIRAD in collaboration with the African Center for Research on Bananas and Plantains (CARBAP) and the Cameroon Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) as a means of sensitizing farmers to the major issues for managing a plantain production field.
Download on the Fruitrop website - Guides for better banana production: ENDURE, 2010
Download on the ENDURE website - Banana statistical compendium 2019 for the Office de développement de l'économie agricole d'outre-mer (ODEADOM)
Download on the Fruitrop website
Quarterly journal published by the CIRAD Market News Service, intended for professionals from the international tropical fruit and vegetable sector (banana, avocado, citrus, pineapple, etc). Available in English and French, in hard copy or online versions.
FruiTrop website
Bimonthly scientific journal on tropical and Mediterranean fruit crops.
Banana protocols, Fruits, Special Issue, 2009.
Fruits website
Other products and services resulting from CIRAD R&D
Scientific publications
CIRAD publications on banana and plantain