Results & impact 23 October 2023
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Fruit and vegetables
Books and documents
- Fruit and Vegetables: opportunities and challenges for small-scale sustainable farming. FAO and CIRAD. 2021. Rome.
- Fruits tropicaux - Invitation au voyage. Editions Quae, 2020 Valérie and Fabrice Le Bellec.
A lavishly illustrated book covering more than 80 tropical fruits, their histories, their specificities, and their food and medicinal uses. - Guide de reconnaissance des mouches des fruits et des légumes à la Réunion. Application de la protection agroécologique des cultures, Franck A., Deguine J.P., Vincenot D., CIRAD, Réunion Chamber of Agriculture, 2018
- Le manioc, entre culture alimentaire et filière agroindustrielle, Philippe Vernier, Boni N’Zué, Nadine Zakhia-Rozis, Quæ, 2018
- Les oasis en Afrique du Nord : dynamiques territoriales et durabilité des systèmes de production agricole, Ahmed Bouaziz, Ali Hammani, Marcel Kuper (ed.), Cahiers Agricultures, 26-27, 2017-2018
- Insectes et acariens des cultures maraîchères en milieu tropical humide, P. Ryckewaert, B. Rhino, Quæ, 2017
- Sustainable Development and Tropical Agri-chains, Estelle Biénabe, Alain Rival, Denis Loeillet (ed.), Springer, 2017
- Agroecological Crop Protection, J.P. Deguine, C. Gloanec, P. Laurent, A. Ratnadass, J.N. Aubertot, Springer, 2017
- Initiation à la protection agroécologique du manguier à la Réunion : retour d’expérience (Projet Biophyto 2012-2014), D. Vincenot, J.P. Deguine, C. Gloanec, A. Dijoux, R. Graindorge, Réunion Chamber of Agriculture, 2015
- Les clémentiniers et autres petits agrumes, Camille Jacquemond, Franck Curk, Marion Heuze (ed.), Quæ, 2013
- Fruits et légumes lontan, fruits et légumes d’antan, M. Roux-Cuvelier, D. Vincenot, Orphie, 2011
- L’agriculture sénégalaise à l’épreuve du marché, G. Duteurtre, M.D. Faye, P.N. Dieye (ed.), Karthala, 2009
- Guide de production intégrée de mangues à la Réunion, D. Vincenot, F. Normand, ARMEFLHOR-CIRAD-Réunion Chamber of Agriculture, 2009
- Le séchage des mangues, Michel Rivier, Jean-Michel Méot, Thierry Ferré, Mathieu Briard, Quæ, 2009
- Guide de la tomate hors sol à la Réunion, Serge Simon, Janice Minatchy, CIRAD-FDGDON, 2009
- Tropical root and tuber crops: Cassava, sweet potato, yams and aroids, Vincent Lebot, CABI, 2009.
- Fruitrop, monthly journal containing news about trade flows of fresh and processed tropical fruits, fresh citrus, and counter-season fruits.
- Fruits, bimonthly journal on tropical and Mediterranean fruits.
Scientific websites
CAVALBIO project
The aim of the CAVALBIO project (2015-2020) is to build sustainable citrus and yam value chains in Guadeloupe by creating new varieties better suited to local constraints. It is a collaborative project involving CIRAD, INRAE and the University of the French Antilles. It is directly linked to the agricultural innovation and transfer networks (RITAs) in Guadeloupe.
TYPOCLIM has a dual objective: to map instruments to promote agricultural adaptation to climate change, based on eight case studies in countries in the global North and South, and several agricultural value chains (wine, horticulture and market garden crops), which are subject to different climate shocks (irregular growth seasons, excessive heat, water shortages, etc.) in order to draw up an extensive typology of those instruments. The next step will be to assess governance of the instruments, and their economic and environmental impacts.
This site, devoted to the fruits of the French West Indies, contains information on species and varieties, environmentally-frtiendly production techniques, and a scientific database on fruit trees.