Laboratory work at the La Bretagne Station (Saint-Denis de la Réunion) © R. Carayol, CIRAD

CIRAD and French collective research infrastructures

CIRAD is a coordinator of or contributor to several collective research infrastructures recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research within the framework of the road map resulting from the national research infrastructures strategy.

Naturalist collections, biological resources and associated data

National biodiversity data repository (PNDB)

Pôle national de données de biodiversité (PNDB) - logo

The PNDB gives access to data- and metadatasets, associated services and by-products of analyses of biodiversity-related issues.

It contributes to the Data Terra data platform research infrastructure. It is a Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) partner  and is a central element in the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEOBON).  

More about PNDB

Agricultural resources for research (RARe)

Ressources agronomiques pour la recherche (RARe) - logo

RARe is a national, multi-partner distributed infrastructure. Its aim is to conserve and characterize biological and genetic resources from animal, plant and microbe species, and the environment. It is contributing to the transformation of farming systems in response to global change. The RARe infrastructure is coordinated by INRAE in partnership wirh CIRAD and IRD. 


More about RARe


e-Recolnat - Logo

e-ReColNat aims to make the information held within naturalist collections available and useful. Its main objectives are to accelerate the global biodiversity inventory and provide models for forecasting changes in flora and fauna as a result of global change. ReColNat is the French component in the European DiSSCo (Distributed System of Scientific Collections) infrastructure, which collates all European natural assets, in digital form.

More about e-ReColNat

Experimental ecosystems

In-Sylva France 

In-Sylva France - Logo

In-Sylva France is a national research infrastructure devoted to adaptive management of forests. It structures and strengthens experimental research networks studying the interactions between management practices, genetic resources and the environment, and high-throughput analytical platforms characterizing climate, soil and plant material. It also provides development and academic and vocational training services.


More about In-Sylva France

Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (AnaEE France)

Analyse et expérimentation sur les écosystèmes (AnaEE France) - Logo

AnaEE-France provides a coordinated range of services devoted to the study of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It is the point of entry to experimental platforms, analysis instruments and modelling platforms. CIRAD is a coordinator of the French element of  AnaEE Europe.


More about AnaEE France


More about ANAEE Europe


E-LTER-France RZA - Logo

E-LTER-France RZA is a distributed infrastructure for long-term observations of the environment and human-environment interactions. Its workshop zones (ZAs) focus on a functional unit (a river and its watershed, landscapes – whether agricultural or urban – and biodiversity, etc.). 


More about E-LTER-France RZA


More about LTER Europe

Territories and geodata

Theia data platform

Pole Theia - Logo

The Theia data platform is devoted to continental surfaces. It comprises a spatial data repository split between several stakeholders, a network of scientific expertise centres (SECs) and a regional animation network (ART).
The Theia platform is part of the Data Terra national platform.


More about Theia

Data Terra

Data Terra - Logo

The Data Terra national data platform offers in situ and spatial data, products and services raleting to observation of the Earth system. It is built on four specialist data platforms: Aeris (atmosphere); Form@ter (solid earth); Theia (continental surfaces), of which CIRAD is a founding partner; and Odatis (oceans and coasts).

Within Data Terra, CIRAD is more particularly involved in the Dinamis portal (national institutional system for mutualized supply of sateillite imagery). Dinamis is a Data Terra transversal service. 

DataTerra is listed in GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems)

More about Data Terra

Major life sciences analysis and experimental instruments


Emerg'in - Logo

Emerg’in is a national infrastructure for the control of animal and zoonotic emerging infectious diseases at human-animal-environment interfaces through in vivo investigation. It offers a range of animal experimentation services in the field of infectiology, for a large variety of species. It gives users access to high-tech imaging and surgical equipment.


More about Emerg'in

French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB)

IFB - Logo

IFB provides the life sciences and bionformatics communities and the academic and private sectors with a range of services: access to resources crucial to their research, project support backed by its considerable expertise, and the possibility of participating in ambitious national and international projects.

IFB is the French component in the European Elixir infrastructure.

More about IFB

France-BioImaging (FBI)

France BioImaging - Logo

This infrastructure associates several major biological imaging facilities and laboratories. It lies at the crossroads between molecular and cell biology, biophysics and engineering, mathematics and informatics. It  provides quantitative measures and integrative understanding of a wide range of cell and tissue activities in biological models, from the simplest, to small animals in normal and pathological situations.

MRI - Logo

CIRAD is a contributor to France-BioImaging, via its involvement in the Montpellier Ressources Imagerie regional platform.

FBI is the French component in the European EuroBioImaging infrastructure.

More about France-BioImaging

Human and social sciences

National Network of Houses for the Social Sciences and Humanities (RnMSH)

RnMSH - Logo

The Houses for the Social Sciences and Humanities are operational research and service structures in the fields of humanities and social sciences and the interfaces between them. They cover all the sciences whose applications generate effects on humans, societies and their environment. CIRAD is a partner in the Maison des sciences de l’homme SUD (Sciences unies pour un autre développement) in Montpellier.

More about RnMSH

Digital transition

French National Telecommunication Network for Technology, Education and Research (Renater)

Renater - Logo

Renater is the benchmark digital infrastructure serving the education and research community. It offers that community a highly reliable, secure network, facilitating collaboration and convergence between scientific projects on a national, European and international level. CIRAD is a member.

More about Renater