Pigs on a farm in Peru P-Y. Le Gal © CIRAD

Animal production

Satisfying growing demand for animal protein in developing countries is a major challenge for the coming twenty years. However, animal production uses large amounts of agricultural land and biomass. Should demand be managed on a global level? The issues vary from one species to another, but they raise a certain number of general questions that CIRAD is working to solve.

Our remits

  • Sustainable animal production systems: measuring the environmental efficiency of animal production systems, developing and assessing practices likely to improve efficiency
  • Limiting the environmental impact of animal production
  • Contributing to the development of local supply chains
  • Developing animal production systems that help to alleviate poverty
  • Supporting producers' organizations and organizing the services on offer to animal farmers
  • Improving animal health: new vaccines, knowledge of the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases and zoonoses.

Products and services


Higher education

Vocational training
