Our remits
- Supporting change in the supply chain, as regards the three components of sustainability: economic, social and environmental
- Boosting the credibility of existing standards (RSPO) in the long term: environmental services, borders between plantations and protected areas, socioeconomic and agroecological impact of standards
- Describing, understanding and improving family oil palm cropping systems: crop management sequences, planting material, sustainability standards, access to credit, etc.
- Creating the oil palms of the future, high-yielding and resistant to the main endemic diseases (vascular wilt, Ganoderma and bud rot)
- Describing and modelling oil palm physiological functioning so as to understand and anticipate the impact of major climate phenomena (El Niño, forest fires)
- Studying and quantifying the environmental and social impact of planting to extend or renew existing areas, while protecting the last remaining biodiversity hotspots in the humid tropics
- Ensuring the sustainable intensification of production systems through rational plantation management based on the use of agroenvironmental indicators
- Optimizing oil palm fruit postharvest processing and promoting the by-products of oïl extraction (biomass, energy)
- Redefining the role of States in applying standards, controlling land tenure and protecting natural areas
CIRAD assigns experts to production sites or organizes one-off support missions. It also has networks of research laboratories and greenhouses that can receive our project partners for training and/or refresher courses
- Feasibility studies
- Public policy support
- Agroenvironmental impact studies
- Foresight exercises, surveys, diagnoses, technical support
- Project design and management for research and development in partnership
- Laboratory analyses.
It works in the following fields:
- Genetic resource management and use: creation and dissemination of varieties, genetic resistance to the main endemics
- Rational, sustainable management of production systems: soil fertility management in plantations, precision farming, agro-environmental indicators and decision support, agronomic diagnoses with a view to creating new oil crop growing zones
- By-product promotion: using oil mill by-products to produce energy, industrial composting techniques.
Products and services
PalmElit implements the genetic improvement and marketing programmes for CIRAD® oil palm seeds.
CIRAD regularly organizes training courses for its partners in the fields of crop improvement, agronomy and molecular biology.