Institutional news 2 November 2023
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- Roots and tubers

Roots and tubers
Books and documents
- Tropical Root and Tuber Crops Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids
2nd edition. 2020. Vincent Lebot, Cirad. Cabi, 515p
Aims to bring together in a single work the state of the art on the origins and history, taxonomy and botany, genetics and improvement, physiology, agronomy, pests and diseases, post-harvest quality and marketing for root and tuber plant species (cassava, sweet potato, yams and aroids).
RTBfoods website
- Le manioc, entre culture alimentaire et filière agro-industrielle
Philippe Vernier, Boni N’Zué, Nadine Zakhia-Rozis, Quæ, Agricultures tropicales en poche, 2018
- Sustainable Development and Tropical Agri-Chains
Estelle Biénabe, Denis Loeillet, Alain Rival (ed.), Springer, 2017
- Le grand livre des fruits et légumes lontan : fruits et légumes d'antan
Vincenot Didier, Roux-Cuvelier Michel. Chevagny-sur-Guye: Editions Orphie, 159 p. (Le grand livre) ISBN 978-2-87763-637-7 Revues, 2018
- FruiTrop
Monthly bulletin on trade in fresh and processed tropical fruits, citrus fruits and off-season fruits.
Special issues: Roots and tubers - Sweet potato
Production guides
Guides to good phytosanitary practice published by COLEACP/PIP.
COLEACP is an international network working to foster sustainable development of the horticultural trade. PIP is a European cooperation programme led by COLEACP.