Institutional news 28 February 2023
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- Tropical value chains
- Rice

Books and documents
- Sustainable development and tropical agri-chains, Estelle Biénabe, Alain Rival, Denis Loeillet (ed.), Springer, 2017
- Realizing Africa’s rice promise, M.C.S. Wopereis, D.E. Johnson, N. Ahmadi, E. Tollens, A. Jalloh, Africa Rice, CABI, 2013
- Riz et rizicultures : innovations paysannes et dynamiques scientifiques, N. Ahmadi, J.Y. Jamin, P. Mendez del Villar, Cahiers Agriculture, 22, 2013
- Riz, rizière, riziculture, A. Audebert, N. Ahmadi, J.Y. Jamin, Les mots de l’agronomie, INRA, 2010
- Une brève histoire de l’amélioration génétique du riz, B. Courtois, CIRAD, 2007
- Plantes des rizières de Camargue, P. Marnotte et al., CIRAD, PNRC, CFR, 2006
- Grain de riz, grain de vie, M. Jeanguyot, N. Ahmadi, CIRAD, Magellan, 2002 (also in Vietnamese)
Scientific publications
See CIRAD's publications on rice
Roadmap Summary
Useful information
Infoarroz, a rice market information system