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Governing bodies and committees
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the governance body that sets the broad outlines of CIRAD's operations. It deliberates on a range of strategic, scientific, budgetary and financial topics, such as the establishment's budget and accounts, how it operates and its activity programme, research and procurement contracts to be signed, and general organizational, recruitment and staff pay conditions. It is chaired by CIRAD's CEO.
The Board of Trustees has three types of members: State representatives, distinguished external experts, and representatives elected by CIRAD's staff. There are five State representatives: one for each of CIRAD's two line ministries – the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation –, and one from each of the following: the Ministry for the Economy and Finance, the Ministry of French Overseas Regions, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. This group is supplemented by six distinguished external experts recognized both in France and elsewhere for their expertise in research and cooperation for development, and six representatives elected by and from CIRAD's staff.
The Board of Trustees meets on average four times a year. Its eighteen members are elected or appointed for five years.
Chair: Élisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin
State representatives
- Guy Perrin - Alternate: Anne Puech
Representing the Ministry of Higher Education and Research - Clélia Chevrier-Kolacko - Alternate: Louise Burdloff
Representing the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs - Agathe Rolland - Alternate: Marie-Laure Van Qui
Representing the Ministry of Public Action and Accounts - Benoît Bonaimé - Alternate: Cyril Kao
Representing the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty - Oudi Serva - Alternate: Loïc Biwand
Representing the Ministry of French Overseas Regions
Distinguished experts
- Thierry Blandinières
Managing Director of the agricultural cooperative group In Vivo - Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko
African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture - Philippe Mauguin
President, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE) - Valérie Verdier
Chairman of the Board and CEO, IRD - Bertrand Walckenaer
Deputy Director General, Agence française de développement (AFD)
Elected representatives
- Thomas Balenghien
Staff representative - Nathalie Cialdella
Staff representative - Françoise Gérard
Staff representative - François-Régis Goebel
Staff representative - Thibaud Martin
Staff representative - Laurence Ollivier
Staff representative
Participants as of right, in an advisory capacity
- Daphné Prévost
Controller for Economy and Finance, Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation - Anthony Farisano
Director General in charge of Resources and Organization, CIRAD - Pierre Defaut
Secretary, Works Council, CIRAD - Yves Delmas
Alexandrine Rey
Science Council
The Science Council assists CIRAD's President Managing Director. It is consulted about CIRAD's research and study programmes. It makes statements on their content and operating methods. It may make proposals concerning research strategy. It gives its opinion on the creation or dissolution of scientific departments. It is backed by the assessments of research units conducted by the Agence d'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur. It produces an annual report that is submitted to the Board of Trustees. The responsibilities of the Science Council are set out in the current version of Decree no. 84-429 dated 5 June 1984 confirming the founding and structure of CIRAD.
The Science Council comprises:
- ten French and foreign scientific experts, including at least eight from outside CIRAD, appointed by the Minister of Research and the Minister for Cooperation and Development;
- five members elected by CIRAD's staff.
Science Council members have a three-year term of office, which may be renewed.
Chair: Gilles Kleitz, Executive Director for Sustainable Development, Agence Française de Développement (AFD) (Paris, France)
Secretarie: Alexia Prades (DGD-RS)
Appointed members
- Philippe Baret
Professor of Genetics, Systems Analysis and Agroecology, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) - Carole Caranta
Deputy Director General of Science and Innovation, INRAE (Paris, France) - Dao The Anh
Vice-President, Vietnamese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS) - Diana Fernandez
Researcher, IRD, Plant Health Institute Montpellier (PHIM), (Montpellier, France) - Anyangwe Florence Angaba - Fonteh
Professor, Dschang University, Vice-Dean for Research and Cooperation, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Bamenda (Cameroon) - Catia Grisa
Tutor and researcher, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (Porto Alegre, Brazil) - Olivier Gros
University Professor of Biology of Organisms, University of the French Antilles - Tahiana Ramananantoandro
Head, Department of Forestry and Environment, École supérieure des sciences agronomiques (ESSA), University of Antananarivo (Madagascar) - Joe Tohme
Director, Crops for Nutrition and Health Programme, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (Cali, Colombia)
Elected staff representatives
- Pierre Brat (UMR QualiSud, Montpellier)
- William's Daré (UMR SENS, Montpellier), Vice-Chair of the Science Council
- Driss Ezzine de Blas (UPR Forests and Societies, Bogota)
- Paule Moustier (UMR MOISA, Montpellier)
- Virginie Ravigne (UMR PHIM, Montpellier)
The INRAE-Cirad-Ifremer-IRD Ethics in Common Committee
The Committee on Ethics in Agricultural Research, set up by CIRAD and INRAE (ex-INRA) in October 2007, has a remit to discuss, advise, raise awareness and if necessary raise the alarm. It extended its activities to include IFREMER in April 2016, and IRD in October 2019. It examines ethical questions raised by research activities and the research process in the fields of food, agriculture, the sea, the environment and sustainable development, particularly those that concern the relationships between science and society.
As of 1 December 2020, the INRA-CIRAD-IFREMER-IRD Committee on Ethics in Agricultural Research has 12 members, appointed by joint decision by the Presidents of INRAE, CIRAD, IFREMER, and IRD.
Patrick du Jardin, President of the Committee.
Professor and Head of Laboratory at the University of Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Faculty. Member of the INRA-Cirad-(Ifremer) Ethics Advisory Committee from 2009 to 2016 and Vice-Chairman of the GMO Expert Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) from 2012 to 2015.
Engineer degree in Agronomy, PhD in agronomic sciences and biological engineering, plant physiology and nutrition specialist.
Valérie Masson-Delmotte, vice-president of the Committee.
CEA senior scientist at the "Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement" of Université Paris Saclay. Co-Chair of the Working Group I - Physical Science Basis - of the IPCC (2015-2023). Member of the French national climate change committee (2018-2024). Member of the French national ethics consultative committee.
Ingineer degree of Ecole Centrale Paris, doctor in energetics and physics of fluids.
Ethics in Common Committee Website