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- Forests and Societies
Forests and Societies - UPR Forêts et Sociétés

Multispectral infrared image of the northern Congo canopy taken by long-range drone. Product of the I-DROP project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. © Sunbirds, CEA, CIRAD, Interholco, Nature+, Université de Liège
The Forests and Societies Research Unit's main goal is to “help assess, define and implement policies, instruments and practices that:
- facilitate the adaptation of ecological and social systems to the constraints and opportunities resulting from global change,
- boost the sustainability of the services provided by tropical forests for the benefit of societies, on a local and global scale”.
Its research focuses on the following three main points of interest:
- natural or planted tropical and subtropical forests;
- the societies that make a living from and depend directly on forests, and transform them;
- the public policies and instruments that apply to forests.