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- Agroecology and Sustainable Intensification of Annual Crops
Agroecology and Sustainable Intensification for Annual Crops - UPR AIDA

Millet under Faidherbia park. L. Leroux, CIRAD
The unit uses a range of interdisciplinary approaches to work towards ecological intensification, in response to demand from society and to development needs. The aim is to study, design and propose annual cropping systems (sugarcane, cotton, rice, etc) that satisfy demand in terms of their agronomic, technological and environmental performance. It conducts research, appraisals and training, and offers a range of products and services.
The unit has more than 80 members, including more than 60 researchers, with a broad range of expertise. It is split into three research teams:
- Ecological processes and services (PROSE)
- Integrated, multi-scale assessment of cropping systems (ESTIME)
- Participatory agroecological transformation of systems (TAPAGE).