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TerriStories®: a participatory management game

TerriStories: a board game based on CIRAD research © Bioviva
TerriStories® , which is the fruit of CIRAD's 20 years of experience of participatory simulation methods, is a method and game that aims to solve collective issues by associating the stakeholders concerned. It introduces environmental, economic and social uncertainties aimed at prompting participants to come up with operational management rules that meet their individual and collective needs.
The tool is now also available as a board game, produced by Bioviva. Il serves to raise awareness of the merits of consultation, and of sustainable development issues.
- Natural resource management
- Conflict prevention/resolution, with the definition of collective rules
- Launch of collective operations
- Coordination between players
Cirad'Innov Support
- Training in and presentation/explanation of the approach and the game
- Diagnosis and adaptation of the game, if necessary, to any specific, local issues
- Organization of problem-solving workshops
- Training and transfer to project teams that, in turn, will rapidly be in a position to run project workshops
- Interdisciplinary scientific expertise that facilitates alignment of the rules established collectively, and their subsequent implementation
Intellectual rights
TerriStories® is a trademark registered by CIRAD. The game board and associated rules are copyrighted. An accredited distribution network and licences have been organized to guarantee the appropriate use of the game and method.
How to get it
- Are you a donor, NGO or institutional partner wishing to use TerriStories® within the framework of a field project in the global South? Cirad'Innov can help. Contact ciradinnov@cirad.fr
- Are you an agroindustrial or mining firm or institution in West Africa wishing to use TerriStories® within the framework of a field project? Insuco BF, a project design firm that works with CIRAD, offers its customers the TerriStories® method and board, with scientific support from CIRAD. Contact peter.hochet@insuco.com or hermine.papazian@insuco.com
- Are you a private individual, a firm, a school or a local authority wishing to use the "board game" or "serious game" form of TerriStories®? The Bioviva firm (Montpellier) will be launching the game for the general public in late 2018 and can offer "serious game" adaptations to cover conflict resolution issues within firms or local authorities. Contact jt@bioviva.com.