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Mémento pour l'évaluation de l'agroécologie

Agroecology is increasingly on the agenda in international talks on the future of global food and farming systems. It is one of the possible solutions to the major current global challenges in terms of economic and social development and the environment, the focus for the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
There are increasing numbers of initiatives to support transition processes by promoting and disseminating agroecological practices and systems.
However, there are still considerable doubts, among both farmers and decision-makers, about the impact and the agronomic, socioeconomic and environmental effects of agroecology.
There have been numerous studies and assessments in recent years, but there was no reliable, shared way of generating systematic references . This was a major handicap when attempting to convince decision-makers, and was what prompted the drafting of the Mémento pour l’évaluation de l’agroécologie .
The Mémento , available in French, is a shared methodological tool for assessing agroecology.
It is the fruit of an initiative on the part of the Groupe de travail sur les transitions agroécologiques (GTAE), which comprises Agrisud International, Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF), CARIand GRET – in collaboration with AgroParisTech, CIRAD and IRD, with financial support from the Agence française pour le développement (AFD). It is intended to be improved and adjusted based on future lessons learnt from the implementation of the tools and methods on offer, and is due to result in the publication, within three years, of a guide to assessing agroecology.
This methodological framework could also fuel an internal operation at CIRAD to develop an agroecology knowledge management and sharing system, the BoostAE platform, which is currently in its early stages.
Download the Mémento pour l’évaluation de l’agroécologie (in French)
Mémento pour l’évaluation de l’agroécologie
Méthodes pour évaluer ses effets et les conditions de son développement
L. Levard, M. Bertrand, P. Masse (Coord.)
Publisher: GTAE-AgroParisTech-CIRAD-IRD, 2019