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- Foire étudiant Ghana
CIRAD and IRD take part in the sixth conference on research and higher education in Accra (Ghana)

CIRAD PhD student sharing his experience with students - © G. Soullier, CIRAD
On Tuesday, February 6th, a student fair was held at the International Conference Center in Accra, Ghana. This major event was organized by Campus France, the French higher education institution that supports individuals wishing to study in France, and the French Embassy in Ghana. This student fair aimed to inform students about higher education opportunities in France, and the associated benefits. This event was also an opportunity for participants to directly meet with French schools. Representatives from 12 higher education institutions, including business schools, engineering schools, and a public university, were in attendance.
The day was opened by a session led by CIRAD and IRD. Addressing a crowd of more than 200 participants, the speakers (students and researchers) testified about the support that the institutes provide them, including scientific supervision, financial assistance, and support with administrative procedures.
Throughout the day, CIRAD and IRD jointly ran a booth to present their support mechanisms for students' academic and professional endeavors. Researchers explained their institutes' mandates and operational strategies. In addition, they emphasized their active involvement with Masters and PhD candidates, often assisting with development-oriented research projects. They also presented CIRAD's and IRD's disciplinary areas and training offerings, detailing the strategies for initiating collaborative efforts with researchers. In Ghana, IRD's research focuses mainly on health and earth sciences, while CIRAD's efforts are centered on agricultural value chain, labor, and innovation systems.